Prayer 2024
Beckton Alps2 and Dagmar Kross, poem by Benjamin de Boer (2022)
Buy the album and book on Bandcamp
Beckton Alps2 says:
If there is a God, then that God must be just and compassionate. A Redeemer, a Healer.
A Redeemer will forgive us. A Healer will cure our illnesses.
These works are a prayer to a just and compassionate God, to rid us of the sin of Conservatism, and hasten the death of our tormentors.
O let it be soon.
From <blink>:
This album arrived in the form of a tweet in the midst of upheaval. The call for prayer resonated, not as a religious act of belief in some ‘other’ power but as a meditation inwards, building strength and resistance. A prayer can be a hope and a hope can be a sound equally full of fury as of peace, not negating or even conflicting with each other but existing simultaneously.
‘Prayer 2024’ is accompanied by a combinatorial text by Benjamin de Boer. This text is a set of “tableaus corresponding to the minute length intervals of the sound pieces … fill[ing] those containers according to a genetic epistemology of humours. Sound is a squelching, spurting thing and depending on who you listen to (Heidegger, Epicurus, Hejinian) the vibrational intensities can lead you back to the source. Relating the daily cycle of human liquids to something in a cosmic register constitutes a chant or mantra which is prayer for me at this moment.”